JN134 Forum 3

Topic 1:

Self Portrait

  1. Spencer Desbiens/ Caleb Smith
  2. Claim to fame: They are the team Co-Captains
  3. Outdoors on a sunny day
  4. Baseball bat, players, gloves
  5. Contact through coach, email, or text
Self Critique

  1. My best photo would have to be the close up of the basketball player getting ready to take a jump shot even though the lighting in the gym sucks.
  2. My worst photo would have to be my week one photos because the lighting in the gym sucks and I didn't have the right lens with my camera for sports.
  3. The skill that I need to improve on is trying to expand the type of subjects I take instead of just one type like basketball.  Improving the quality of my photos will have to adjusting the focus to lineup the dot with the subject.


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