Lynsey Addario Book Report

In the Lynsey Addario book "It's What I Do" I an able to relate to her sense of pursuing photojournalism in the war, because it is something she loves to take photos of.  The main reason is I love to take sport photos which is what I love, also she has to isolate her feelings from her subjects and the situation.  Addario is very unique when it comes to capturing the realistic moment with the faces of the subject and willing to get up close and capable of getting different angles.
I wasn't able to learn any new techniques, but I was able to get better at capturing angles and getting closer with my photos, With my baseball photos I was able to get closer which allowed me catch the ball quicker.
One of my favorite pieces of her work from her website is with all the Syrian refugees walking in a line through the dessert.  I selected this one because it's showing how many people are trying to leave, but knowing they won't be able to, or waiting for a long time.  The second one is the one with the women helping and being friendly with the people in the community where they are protecting.  This shows the equality in America and how women are just as important to this country as men, also important we are in protecting the third world countries.
The context of when Lynsey was on her way to Waleed she meets up with the commander and is being generous while asking him if " Can I take Pictures."  Explaining she is a journalist by saying after he says "No! Go.Now!" Even though she shouldn't ask just take photos and ask later that is what i have been taught.
I am willing to recommend this book again mainly due to the fact even though it is about how she dealt with the all the emotion in the photos. Catching the different angles of the people while getting the most compelling shot to tell a story of what is happening.  


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